Dreena Collins – The 91 ½ Reasons Why It Can’t Be True

Dreena Collins was born in Jersey where she now works in education; she has a background in English teaching and Special Educational Needs. She lives with two males and a dog.

Dreena has been shortlisted in a number of writing competitions, including The Bridport Prize. In May 2020, she won first place in the international Flash 500 competition.

Published in a number of magazines and online platforms, she has also had work included in anthologies such as The Bath Flash Fiction Award. She has published three short story collections of her own, most recently Bird Wing, in December 2019.

Dreena has always loved words, especially peculiar ones. She writes character based, modern fiction, exploring the challenges of the modern world. She is currently working on her first novel, a contemporary mystery.

Her hobbies include eating spicy food, unintentionally waking at 2.30 am, and falling over.


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