Jonny Labey – The Lockin’ Wish

The Lockin’ Wish is a simple reminder of how important it is to work together as a family, and because there’s currently no certain end, still making days that otherwise would have been celebrated, special.  One of my favourite days during Lockdown was the impromptu party my neighbour Natalie Coutanche threw for my sister’s birthday. Speakers and lights were plugged in and we danced around the garden for hours!

Apart from the pun of its name, ‘Locking’ is a style of Hip Hop created during the late 60’s. It’s always upbeat and happy, often matched with the funk sounds of the 80s made famous by artists such as James Brown and The Soul Train. If we find ourselves in Lockdown for much longer, it’s vital that we don’t forget to laugh, switch up routines and DANCE!


Sean Dettman – History In The Pub – Federal Project Number One


Adria Godfrey – Veinte Años