Cake and Cabaret is a variety show for the elderly, touring the Parish Halls. These cabaret themed events offer elderly parishioners the opportunity to have fun and socialise in a welcoming environment while enjoying professionally produced entertainment.
The main objectives of Cake and Cabaret are to make high quality art and entertainment accessible to older parishioners, to make use of under-utilised parish hall spaces and to foster a sense of community in each parish.
We hope to make each event feel like a special occasion, providing guests with a memorable musical spectacle, an opportunity to get dressed up and the chance to experience entertainment of a calibre that might not otherwise be available to them.
Our partner Ballet D’Jerri organises each afternoon’s entertainment, and performs along with local professional song and dance acts Optimistic Voices and Mike Hutchings. You can find out more via eventbrite.
Our 2024 series is kindly supported by The Sir James Knott Trust, Roy Overland Charitable Trust and the Government of Jersey.
Our Cake and Cabaret events are run monthly and are incredibly well received. Our evaluation to date shows that:
98.5% of attendees stated they would attend again
79.7% of attendees made friends with someone they had never met before at the event
39% of attendees felt like there are not enough opportunities for them to attend organised social events in Jersey
Social isolation is a real concern in today’s world. Through producing high quality entertainment we aim to raise the bar of what is on offer for the elderly on the Island, improving people’s lives while encouraging them to forge new connections within their community.
Loneliness affects up to one half of our elderly and has a negative impact on their physical and mental health. Jersey’s ageing population is growing proportionally larger. Initiatives which address their welfare should be of importance to the whole community. There are a number of barriers which might prevent older people on the Island from being able to engage with the arts and to socialise with others; transport into town or parking may be a challenge, going out in the dark or late at night may feel intimidating. By holding Cake and Cabaret in the afternoon at local venues and recruiting volunteers to help those who struggle with transportation, we hope to remove many of these barriers.
We are partnering with Parish authorities and Age Concern Jersey to ensure that we are reaching those most in need. We aim to directly improve the lives of approximately 1,200 elderly Islanders through Cake and Cabaret.