As part of the Genesis Education Programme
The Map of Wonders is a seven-part series of quests being rolled out across primary schools between now and June 2021. Supported by seven uniquely produced films, created by ArtHouse Jersey, featuring locally born performer The Story Beast aka John Henry Falle, each of the episodes focuses on learning about aspects of Jersey using tales of local history and folklore to engage children in their island history and the creative arts, while enhancing their sense of belonging. The first Jersey story being explored is ‘Treasure – the Story of the Câtillon Hoard’.
The nature of the work will encourage relationship-building while providing a creative space to talk with fellow classmates and teachers’, supporting the development of social skills and reigniting a sense of connection for children of all ages who might have been affected by the restrictions COVID has imposed.
The Genesis Education Programme is a partnership between the Department of Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) and ArtHouse Jersey, with the aim of supporting young people’s well-being, while using the arts to increase and improve creativity across all schools.
A particular focus is equality of access, ensuring that all students benefit from the opportunities provided, regardless of their background or the school they attend.
Through a successful bid led by the Director of Inclusion funding was secured to commission ArtHouse Jersey to deliver the first project under the ‘Genesis Education Programme’ banner; ‘The Map of Wonders’. It’s an initiative being implemented right across Jersey’s primary school sector.
The key objective of ‘The Map of Wonders’ project sits within the Education Department’s ‘Recovery Curriculum’; a learning structure that supports children’s wellbeing in light of the ongoing pandemic.
John Henry Falle AKA The Storybeast hosts Treasure Hunt: The Story of Catillon Hoard
Other episodes will focus on stories of Dolmens, the story of Le Cat au Sauteux and the story of St Clements Bull!
Tracey Vallois - The Minister for Education, Senator, GoJ
“This is a wonderful programme which will help Jersey children to find out more about the place they call home. The arts are something that we should encourage our children to take part in and this project is a great opportunity for our young people to get creative.”
Hannah Culshaw - Chief Corporate Officer, Saltgate
“Promoting education and enabling young people to reach their potential is a key area of focus for Saltgate Giving. We have a track record of working with charities that strive to enrich the local communities where we operate and ArtHouse Jersey sits directly within that work. The Map of Wonders project has the potential to make a huge impact on thousands of children’s lives in Jersey, at a time when anxiety may be heighted and wellbeing compromised. We’re delighted to be able to support something that so creatively aims to address those areas in so many young people’s lives at one time.”