SMALL DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FORM 2025 PLEASE NOTE THIS FORM DOESN'T AUTOSAVE. There are four sections to this application. Firstly, we would like you to tell us about yourself, then your proposal, the funding you require, and finally your development as an artist. This application form is form for awards below £1,500. In one sentence describe the objective of this funding * TELL US ABOUT YOU Your details * First Name Last Name Address including post code * Phone Number Email * Website http:// Social Handles (if any) @ In just 50 words tell us what it is that you do / what your company or group does. * In 100 words tell us about what you / your group aim to achieve through your work. * TELL US ABOUT YOUR PROPOSAL * Please tick ONLY ONE of the following possible options. Is this application mostly to: Support the development of a new project Support the development of your artistic skills In 300 words or less, please describe the activity and your motivations in delivering this work * When will it start/happen? * If this is a multi-phase project we are interested to know when each element will take place. Please provide a concise breakdown in chronological order about how you will go about delivering this project. This timeline should include key dates and milestones, making it clear which phases need funding. If applicable, how will the activity be marketed? How will audiences hear about your project or skill? * Approximately how many creatives would benefit as a result of this award? FUNDING & SUPPORT * How much funding is being sought? £ Please provide a precise breakdown of how the funding will be used. * What funding have you received from ArtHouse Jersey in the past five years? Please outline what was achieved with your funding and the impact it made. If applicable, please specify if you have or if you are seeking other funding for the proposed activity. This should detail how much as well as the sources of this additional funding. This includes grants from the Government of Jersey. If you are seeking additional funding from other sources please confirm how any potential shortfall will be addressed. YOUR DEVELOPMENT AS AN ARTIST Provide an overview of your artistic activity over the past two years. * What specifically do you have planned for the next two years and how do you see your work evolving and progressing in future? * You should explain how the funding will help you to achieve your overall aims as an artist. DECLARATION Before applying we ask that you have discussed your proposal with ArtHouse Jersey. Please confirm who you have spoken with. * In submitting this application you confirm that: * You have read the website guidelines and understand them; To the best of your knowledge, the information provided by you is true and correct; Any enclosures/attachments are your own work; Should the application be successful, in full or in part, you will agree to enter into a signed agreement with ArtHouse Jersey establishing the conditions under which the funding is provided, including recognition of ArtHouse Jersey’s support and the completion of funding evaluation documents. PRACTISED ART FORMS * Please tick up to three artforms that you have actively practiced in the last 12 months. Painting Ceramics Drawing Film Photography Sculpture Literary arts Dance Music Theatre Printmaking Textile arts EQUALITY MONITORING We use the information from this section to report how we have spent our funding. If you prefer not to provide some of the information, you can tick the 'prefer not to answer' box. Any answers you give will not affect the service that you receive from our organisation. We may use this information to report to the Government or to monitor the different backgrounds of people who receive grants. It is a very important part of tackling inequality and discrimination. It will help us to check whether the services we provide are meeting the needs of all our local communities. All monitoring data is classified as personal data under the Data Protection Act and will be treated confidentially. We will only use this information for statistical purposes. What gender do you identify as? Woman Man Non-binary Intersex Transgender Prefer not to say If you prefer to use your own term, please specify What is your age? * 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65+ Prefer not to say What is your ethnicity? * Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about the group to which you perceive you belong. White British/UK White European White Other White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese African Caribbean Arab Prefer not to say OTHER If you answered 'other' please specify if you wish to What is your sexual orientation? * Prefer not to say Heterosexual Gay woman/lesbian Gay man Bisexual Pansexual Asexual Other If you prefer to use your own term, please specify here Do you consider yourself to have a disability or health condition (including neurodiversity)? Yes No Prefer not to say If you answered ‘Yes’ please specify if you wish to You did it! Thank you for submitting your application for an ArtHouse Jersey Development Grant.We shall be in touch with further questions or next steps.