ArtHouse Jersey has teamed up with talented local and international tutors to offer an exciting series of drawing, painting and movement courses and workshops.

These varied courses, responding to the drama and inspiration found in coastal landscapes, are held at the historic Greve de Lecq Barracks and cater to all abilities, from curious beginners dipping a toe to established artists and performers honing their craft. All are welcome!


Upcoming Courses and Workshops

  • Playful Ink Techniques

    Jersey art tutor: Lisa Troy

    From the caves to the Inkjet, ink has been used by artists the world over for drafting maps, sketching anatomy, ornate calligraphy and capturing ideas of all kinds. Ink has been used throughout time, making it such an incredibly versatile playful medium worth exploring.

    Lisa starts your day with ink theory, pen drawing techniques and brushwork enhancement. Weather permitting you will observe the Greve de Lecq dramatic coastline and create gestural landscape artworks en plein air. The afternoon will see exploration of patterns in foraged materials, inspired line drawings and playful ink works, with a focus on gouache and gum arabic resist techniques.

    Wednesday 18th September, 10am to 5pm

    All art materials included, plus you take home your very own 50-page sketchbook. £90 per person. Bring your own lunch and snacks.

  • Choreographic Play Workshop

    UK choreographer: Tim Casson

    Join Casson & Friends Director, Tim Casson, to explore how play can enable us to move creatively. Simple, joyful and accessible with an emphasis on 'playing to play' rather than 'playing to win’. This participatory session is suitable for anyone with an interest in movement, no previous dance experience is necessary.

    Inspired by current touring projects ARCADE and The Dance WE Made, the session will include creative games and tasks that encourage creativity and playful participation - connecting participants with the childlike joy of play - and each other!

    Thursday 19 September, 6pm - 8pm

    The workshop is £20 per person.

  • Modern Abstract Landscapes

    Jersey art tutor: Robert Allen

    Robert will show you his process of working in the landscape to produce abstract paintings inspired by Jersey seascapes. You will start by working outside producing drawings and paintings of the surrounding beach, cliffs and sea off Greve De Lecq. You will gather visual ideas to turn into a canvas painting back in the studio at Greve De Lecq barracks.

    The intention of the course is to help you find a style of art making that encompasses an understanding of artistic formal qualities, mixed with the freedom of visual experimentation that abstraction offers and an outcome that describes the sensation of the Jersey coastline.

    You can attend either workshop as a standalone day, or book both dates to further develop your practice. All art materials included, plus you take home your very own 50-page sketchbook. Each day is £150 to attend, includes exquisite Binney & Boarder catering.

    These Abstract Landscape one-day courses cater for beginners and experienced artists alike.

    Available dates are:
    Sunday 7th July, 10am to 5pm - sold out
    Sunday 22nd September, 10am to 5pm

  • Drawing and Sculpting

    Jersey art tutors Nicole Sheppard & Heather Barrett

    Throughout the day Nicole and Heather will explore movement-based mark making focusing on everyday interactions with natural resources and surface textures, using the body as a vessel for this. Using seaweed, grasses and other natural resources taken from the natural landscape of Greve De Lecq, these materials will be used in an array of paper and clay based activities.

    You will use sculptural forms as an extension of the body exploring gestural lines and intuitive movements. Working both as a group and an independent, you will immerse yourself in this experimental form of mark making.

    Sunday 13th October

    Non-catered price £120 per day.

  • Creative Taster Week

    A week of abstract and experimental taster days

    Mon 14 Oct - Learn the basics of landscape painting. A dip into abstract landscape painting, with lots of hands-on and a sprinkling of art theory to help root your practice. With art tutor Jacque Rutter. Price £100.

    Tue 15 Oct - Paper-making to sculpture. During this taster day you will explore and play with different kinds of pulp, the essence of paper-making, to create form and structure using the myths and legends of Jersey as inspiration. With art tutor Jacque Rutter. Price £100.

    Wed 16 Oct - Playful ink techniques. Over this day you will dabble with ink, pen and brush, play with textures and patterns, create line drawings and explore playful ink works with a focus on gouache and gum arabic resist techniques. With art tutor Lisa Troy. Price £100 .

    Thu 17 Oct - Printmaking on sailcloth. From the mighty oak tree to the nimble boat, this course takes you on a journey exploring the linkage between woodland and coast using different print techniques. This taster day includes mono-printing, collagraph and woodblock techniques. With art tutor Jacque Rutter. Price £100.

    Fri 18 Oct - The Seaweed Course. Curious about seaweed? Take a fascinating journey through the history and use of seaweed, discovering how it inspires and creates art. Over the day you will feel, observe, taste, draw, paint and print with seaweed, and conclude by making an art installation. With art tutor Jacque Rutter. Price is £120 per day.

    10% discount if you book three or more days

  • Sketchbook Art

    Jersey art tutor: Jacque Rutter

    Artists throughout history have used their sketchbook as a personal development tool - a place of reflection and experimentation allowing new ideas and mediums to be cultivated and explored.

    This course will give you the basics of how to develop a fantastic sketchbook and enable your artistic practice to flourish. You will learn new techniques such as wax resist, tonal ranges, colour mixing and an analysis of your individual artwork language.

    You can attend one day, or book both dates to further develop. All art materials included, plus you take home your very own 50-page sketchbook. Each day is £150 to attend, includes exquisite Binney & Boarder catering.

    This course caters for beginners and experienced artists alike.

    Available dates are:
    Saturday 19th October, 10am to 5pm
    Sunday 20th October, 10am to 5pm

  • Drawing Movement

    Jersey art tutor: Jacque Rutter

    This two-day course looks at how the human body moves and forms shapes and contrasts, and explores a range of creative methods in which you can represent movement through art. Renowned local art tutor Jacque takes participants on a journey from basic line drawings through to three-dimensional sculptures. This course is for any level of experience.

    Attendance of both days are recommended. All art materials are included, plus you take home your very own 50-page sketchbook. Each day is £120 to attend, bring your own lunch. A catered lunch is available upon demand, please enquire.

    This course caters for beginners and experienced artists alike.

    Available dates are:
    Wednesday 11th December, 10am to 5pm
    Thursday 12th December, 10am to 5pm

  • Contemporary Dance Workshop - memory & movement

    (For dancers and non-dancers alike, anyone with an interest in movement)
    Belgian dance tutor: Pierre Bastin

    Pierre Bastin invites dancers and non-dancers, young and old, to explore the link between memory and movement, specifically how people, dancers and performers can be connected by memories. The workshop will explore different ways of dancing together looking to our memories that have become physical through play, rhythm and space, the group will become symbiotic and learn from collective expression and movement styles. Anyone with an interest in movement is welcome at these workshops - the goal is to discover new dance horizons together. Above all, come with a curiosity and an openness for dance and for others.

    Pierre concluded his formal studies in dance at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp in 2020, the same year he co-founded the collective Sidewards, he has since worked with Jan Martens, Tuur Marinus and Rosas/Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker.

    Tickets are £60 and include two half day workshop sessions and a solo performance of ‘After All’ (Pierre Bastin & Astrid De Haes) exploring our relationship with nature, performed by Pierre Bastin.

    (Ages 14+)
    Fri 13 December, (7:30pm) - Solo Performance, dur. 45 min
    Sat 14 & Sun 15 December, 9:45am to 1pm - morning option
    Sat 14 & Sun 15 December, 1:45pm to 5pm - afternoon option

    *timings are bus-friendly. We are the last stop on the #9 bus route

Why not gift an unforgettable experience?

Gift vouchers are available from and make the perfect creative present for friends or family. They are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and are redeemable against any creative short courses held with ArtHouse Jersey. Below are some popular past examples; watch this space for new courses such as learning to illustrate...

Past Creative Courses

  • Urban Oil Painting Techniques (2024)

    Dutch tutor Casper Strietman taught his oil practice including use of perception, composition, colour influence, vocal points and urban storylines.

  • Landscape Painting Course (2023)

    Tutor Jacque Rutter explored use of colour, tonal contrast, gestural and dynamic mark-making, working with wet and dry materials and building up scale.

  • Mark-making to Music (residency 2023)

    Using body, breath and music to connect to the process of drawing, and to respond to the expressive qualities of art materials such as charcoal and graphite.

  • Watercolour Skills Five-Day Retreat (2019)

    Mita Corsini Bland is a New York based watercolorist. This week-long retreat gave insights and techniques on shape, colour, tone and composition.

First rate facilities - so calm and peaceful and committed staff - perfect!


Jacque Rutter is an incredible teacher, making the experience fun, inspiring and hugely progressive. Greve de Lecq is beautiful too.


The course made me feel more confident and has armed me with lots of new techniques and knowledge.


First rate facilities - so calm and peaceful and committed staff - perfect! 〰️ Jacque Rutter is an incredible teacher, making the experience fun, inspiring and hugely progressive. Greve de Lecq is beautiful too. 〰️ The course made me feel more confident and has armed me with lots of new techniques and knowledge. 〰️