Call to Artists, Architects & Creatives

In 2020 ArtHouse Jersey is coordinating a large scale, interactive exhibition in Jersey’s St Helier Town Church. We aim to explore the themes of Accessibility, Repurposing and Sense of Place. The exhibition will engage the community in this accessible, central location, open to the public for three to four weeks. During this period, ArtHouse Jersey will host events and performances focused on these themes in the exhibition spaceWe aim to work with local and International artists and architects, inviting you to submit proposals for site specific installations. The exhibition will comprise six to eight art installations, in designated areas of the Church which the public can move through and interact with. One of these installations will be a large scale, tactile entrance piece inspired by the work of Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos. Two local artists have already been commissioned to work with schools and community groups to make this work.


We would like to invite all creatives including artists and architects to submit ideas for installations which consider one of the following themes. We are not looking for full proposals at this stage, more ideas on how you might want to work within such a space and some background on you and your work. Please include a CV or link to examples of your work.  Submissions can include written, image or digital files.The full brief can be found here.

Submission deadline 16th December 2019.Once we have identified applicants whose work and ideas we feel will successfully engage with the themes, public and spaces within the Church; we will then invite them to submit a more detailed proposal for one of the specific installation spaces.

Any questions should be directed to the producer of this project, Natasha Dettman.


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